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55 Internet Things for Back to the Future Day

This is heavy.


Look, I don't want to overstate this or anything. It’s just that I’ve been waiting for Back to the Future Day—October 21, 2015, when Marty McFly and Doc Brown travel to the future from 1985—pretty much my entire life.

見てください、何も大げさに言いたくはありません。 待ちに待ったバック・トゥ・ザ・フューチャーの、あの日、マーティ・マクフライとドク・ブラウンが1985年から未来へやってきた、2015年10月21日が目の前です ― これは、私にとって、とても大きなことなんです。

  • overstate - 誇張する

バック・トゥ・ザ・フューチャーPART2 (吹替版)
売り上げランキング: 63

My family rented the first Back to the Future film on VHS sometime in the late 1980s. When the movie ended, and I learned there was a sequel that I couldn’t immediately watch, I burst into tears. It’s not my fault Back to the Future is a near-perfect film.

私の家族は、1980年代の終わりのある時、最初のバック・トゥ・ザ・フューチャーのVHSをレンタルで見ました。 映画が終わった時、続編があるのに、すぐには見られないことを知り、私は泣き出しました。 バック・トゥ・ザ・フューチャーが、ほぼ完璧な映画であるのは、私のせいではないのにね。

バック・トゥ・ザ・フューチャー (字幕版)
売り上げランキング: 26

A near-perfect film with a sequel that didn’t perfectly predict the past 30 years of technology, okay, but who could have? (The ubiquity of cellphones and the arrival of the Internet are the two most obvious misses.) Thanks to the Internet, here in the actual future, there is a universe of bizarre and wonderful stuff online dedicated to the trilogy.


  • predict - 予測する
  • obvious - 明らかな
  • bizarre - 奇妙な

バック・トゥ・ザ・フューチャーPART3 (字幕版)
売り上げランキング: 155

And so I share with you, from all corners of the web, some of my favorite finds—original reviews, merchandise, essays, fan fiction, and everything in between.


  • all corners of ~ - ~の隅々

バック・トゥ・ザ・フューチャー完全大図鑑 (SPACE SHOWER BOOKs)
スペースシャワーネットワーク (2015-10-09)
売り上げランキング: 77

  1. How to make your own flux capacitor
  2. “Call me cheap, but I wasn’t ready to pay $5 to see myself on the screen,” said Michael J. Fox in this 1985 New York Times article, “Conversation with a Time Traveler.” ( “I've gotten a lot of marriage proposals lately,” Fox tells the Times, “and I'm not complaining.”)
  3. Steven Hyden’s essay about how Back to the Future was intended to be a period piece about the 1980s
  4. Lindsey Buckingham’s “Time Bomb Town,” the song that’s playing on Marty’s clock radio when he wakes up to meet Doc at Twin Pines Mall
  5. This weird Back to the Future online game that calls Marty “Martin,” presumably for copyright reasons
  6. The New York Times on "futurobilia" and the comfort of predicted futures
  7. An examination of some of the problematic ways Back to the Future deals with race
  8. Secrets of the Back to the Future Trilogy, hosted by Kirk Cameron (also available on VHS)
  9. David Sims’s story about the small-town appeal of the original film
  10. The scene in which Eric Stoltz, originally cast as Marty McFly, is apparently still in the final cut of Back to the Future
  11. Nike’s real-life patent for self-lacing shoes

