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唯一の驚きは低価格 ― iPhone SEとApple Watch

Apple’s Only Surprise Was the Price Drop on iPhone SE, Apple Watch


So much for that vaunted Apple secrecy. Virtually everything about Apple’s product launch today had been telegraphed — everything, that is, except the prices.

アップルご自慢の秘密主義に対して、あまりにも多かった。 本日発表される事実上全てのアップル製品が知れ渡っていました ― ただし価格以外の全てです。

  • vaunted - 誇示する。自慢の。
  • Virtually everything - 事実上全ての。
  • telegraphed - 電報を打った。通知されていたと解釈しました。

The new iPhone SE with a four-inch display starts at a price of $399, or about $50 below what most analysts expected. Apple also trimmed the price of its entry-level wearable, the Apple Watch Sport.

新たな4インチのiPhone SEは399ドルから。多くのアナリストの予想を50ドルほど低価格でした。 また、エントリーレベルのウェアラブル Apple Watch Sport の価格も削減。

Both moves are intended to spur sales.


  • intended - 意図した
  • spur - 拍車をかける

売り上げランキング: 29,668
>IDC notes global sales of the iPhone 5s have been decelerating as consumers gravitate to competing devices with more modern technology. So Apple loaded up the features on the latest version of its four-inch smartphone — adding a speedier A9 processor, a 12-megapixel camera and Touch ID for Apple Pay — in hopes of sparking sales. (Orders begin Thursday for the iPhone SE, which will be available March 31.) >Dropping the starting price to $399 is designed to appeal to price-sensitive customers here in the U.S., including those who use pay-as-you-go services like Cricket, as well as in emerging markets, where carriers don’t underwrite the cost of purchasing a smartphone. >The iPhone SE replaces the iPhone 5s as the entry-level Apple device. But the older model iPhone 5s will still be available for sale in select markets. >BTIG Analyst Walter Piecyk said that if Apple dramatically discounted the older-model iPhone 5s — say, to $300 — in markets such as Brazil, it would capture a greater share of consumers. >The price drop for the Apple Watch Sport, to $300 from $350, is similarly intended to grab more consumers by the wrist. The smartwatch market is still in its infancy — and Apple wants to maintain its early lead as it begins to feel the heat from traditional watch makers as well as makers of Android wearables and fitness bands. >Apple may well plan to make up the price cut on wristband volume, said Moor Insights & Strategy President Patrick Moorhead. >The company noted that the typical Apple Watch wearer likes to change bands. So Apple is keeping it fresh with new bands unveiled today — a $149 Milanese loop and $50 woven nylon bands in seven colors: Gold/red, gold/royal blue, royal blue, pink, pearl, scuba blue and black.

