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Hydrogen-powered drone will fly for hours at a time ドラえもん ふしぎのサイエンス 1 手回し発電タケコプター (小学館学習ムック)posted with amazlet at 15.05.20小学館 小学館 (2012-07-06)売り上げランキング: 239,038Amazon.co.jpで詳細を見る Even …


Drones could be the next big frontier for entrepreneurs Drones are everywhere — in the news and soon to be (legally) in the skies. They are quickly moving beyond their controversial military use and taking on the role of force multiplier i…


SpaceX made some awesome travel posters for Mars With all the recent news about International Space Station resupply missions, reusable rockets, and drone barges, it's easy to forget that reason Elon Musk created SpaceX in the first place …


Illinois police will use drones, won't say 'drones' The Illinois State Police will be able to use unmanned aircrafts to assess traffic-halting crashes and crime scenes for the next two years. Despite the recent FAA approval, the department…


Amazon’s Delivery Drones Could Find You Wherever You Are Amazon’s delivery drone plans may have seemed more like a media stunt than a concrete vision back when it launched, but with active testing taking place in Canada and now, new detail…


FAA in Partnerships to Test Beyond-Line-of-Sight Drones The Federal Aviation Administration said Wednesday it would work with two private U.S. companies to test commercial drones that can fly beyond an operator’s line of sight, a precursor…

我々は「Internet Of Things(IoT)」を正しくする必要がある

We Need To Get The Internet Of Things Right It seems everything is connected to the Internet: socks, shoes, shirts, hats, glasses, appliances, beds, homes, drones, cars and even diapers. Yet, for the Internet of Things (IoT) to play a role…


昨日は時間を間違えて失礼こきました。今朝の打ち上げは成功でした。が、、、 SpaceX rocket launched successfully, landed 'too hard for survival' Today SpaceX successfully launched its latest mission to the International Space Station, but coul…


次の打ち上げチャンスは日本時間で15日の深夜 0時10分早朝5時10分だそうです。 Watch As SpaceX Launches CRS-6 Resupply Rocket And Tries Drone Ship Recovery You can watch live as SpaceX launches its Falcon 9 rocket and attempts to recover the fi…

Blackmagic が小さくてドローンに優しいRAWシネマカメラを投入

Blackmagic launching a tiny, drone-friendly RAW cinema camera Hollywood feature films needs better quality than a GoPro can deliver for aerial footage, but heavy cinema cameras demand really expensive drones to lift them. ハリウッドの長編…

Facebook’s Aquila Drone Will Beam Down Internet Access With Lasers

FacebookのAquila Droneはレーザーによってインターネットアクセスを送信するつもり As the second day of its F8 conference began here at Fort Mason in San Francisco, Facebook announced the first hardware it plans to use to beam the Internet dow…

Amazon spurns slow FAA, reveals it’s been testing drones abroad

指くわえて待ってるわけが、無いわな Amazonは、ドローンは既に海外でテスト中と明らかにし、悠長なFAAを批判 spurns 拒む、はねつける。ここでは批判としてみました。 In testimony to the Senate Subcommittee on Aviation Operations, Safety, and Securi…

FAA Grants Amazon Permission To Test Drone Deliveries

ついについに! 米連邦航空局は、Amazonにドローンによる配達の試験を許可した。 FAA ― 米国の「連邦航空局」 grant ― 「(権利などを)与える」。「補助金」という意味もあるらしいが、この記事の場合は「許可を与える」ですね。 The FAA just released a s…


今回は「ban」です。恥ずかしながらまったく知りませんでした。制汗スプレーじゃないよねみたいな。 No flying at SXSW: City of Austin bans drones during big events ban ―「禁止する」という動詞。英語による説明は「officially or legally prohibit」と…