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SpaceXのFalcon 9 海上への着陸に失敗―これで三度目

SpaceX launches its Falcon 9 rocket, but fails sea landing for the third time


イーロン・マスク 未来を創る男
売り上げランキング: 2,459

SpaceX successfully launched its reusable Falcon 9 rocket into space carrying NASA’s new ocean satellite. The landing, however, didn’t go so well.

SpaceXは再利用ロケット Falcon 9を打ち上げ、NASAの新しい海洋衛星を宇宙へ届けた。しかし、その着陸は、そううまくはいかなかった。

The private SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket was supposed to return to a drone platform in the Pacific Ocean after launching the Jason-3 ocean monitoring satellite into orbit. The rocket took off from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. The Jason-3 satellite weights 1,124 pounds and is about 3.3-feet on each side. The launch was SpaceX’s second take-off from Vandenberg, which was shrouded in a deep fog. The rocket took off from Space Launch Complex 4E, the launch pad that was used for Atlas rocket launches from 1962 to 2005. SpaceX took over that pad starting in 2011.

SpaceXのプライベートロケットであるFalcon 9は、海洋モニタリング衛星 Jason-3 を軌道へ打ち上げた後、大西洋のドローンプラットフォームへ戻ってくると想定されていた。 ロケットはカリフォルニアバンデンバーグ空軍基地を離陸した。ここからの打ち上げはSpaceXにとって2度目。深い霧が立ち込めていた。

  • shrouded - 立ち込める

The launch went off without a hitch. The first stage booster was expected to return to the drone platform. Touchdown was expected to take place within minutes of the launch.


  • hitch - 邪魔者

The livestream recorded the takeoff fine, but the video cut out as the team was awaiting the return of the first stage to the launch pad. SpaceX ended up tweeting that the landing had failed:


山善(YAMAZEN) 安全靴 フットプロテクター
売り上げランキング: 95,710

Although the vehicle made it to the ship, one of its landing legs broke. This is the third time the company has failed to land its rocket on the floating ship. The satellite was successfully deployed into low-earth orbit. But it’s not clear how much damage the rocket booster sustained.


SpaceX, based in Hawthorne, California, was founded in 2002 by Tesla Motors CEO Elon Musk. The goal was creating the technologies to reduce the cost of sending rockets into space and enabling the colonization of Mars. The company developed both the Falcon 1 and Falcon 9 launch vehicles to be reusable. The company launched its first Falcon 1 into orbit in 2008. On December 21, 2015, the company successfully returned a first-stage booster back to the ground at Cape Canaveral.

SpaceXテスラモーターズのCEOイーロンマスクによって2002年に設立され、ロケット打ち上げのコストを下げる技術を構築し、火星への移住を可能にすることを目的としている。 同社は2015年12月21日に、第一段ブースターをケープ・カナベラルの地上へ成功裏に戻した。

As far as private space competition goes, Musk’s SpaceX aims to pull further ahead of other tech mogul-backed space companies like Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin and Paul Allen’s Vulcan Aerospace.

これまでのプライベートな宇宙開発競争で、マスクのSpaceXはジェフベゾスのBlueOriginやポール・アレンのVulcan Aerospaceなど、他の宇宙企業の前を引っ張っていくことを目的にしている。


