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Nissan’s autonomous chair is your line waiting buddy 日清 行列のできる店のラーメン TOKYO特濃魚介とんこつ 121g×12個posted with amazlet at 16.09.27日清食品 (2015-10-12)売り上げランキング: 13,980Amazon.co.jpで詳細を見る Nissan’s ProPILOT tech…

これがSpaceXの惑星間輸送システム ― 火星移住用の宇宙船とロケット

SpaceX unveils the Interplanetary Transport System, a spaceship and rocket to colonize Mars イーロン・マスクの挑戦 ~人類を火星に移住させる (別冊宝島 2232)posted with amazlet at 16.09.27宝島社 (2014-08-08)売り上げランキング: 184,925Amazon.c…


Europa moon 'spewing water jets' エウロパ [DVD]posted with amazlet at 16.09.26ビクターエンタテインメント (2014-05-23)売り上げランキング: 69,709Amazon.co.jpで詳細を見る Further evidence has been obtained to show that Jupiter's icy moon Euro…


Even your toaster is about to be smarter than you Above: Smarter than you? Image Credit: Shutterstock.com/pryzmat As the cloud and A.I. join hands in eternal matrimony, expect a new sentient being to transform our lives forever. Let’s call…


SpaceX Rocket Explosion Destroys Facebook Project Satellite “I’m deeply disappointed to hear that SpaceX’s launch failure destroyed our satellite,” said Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. 「私たちの人工衛星がSpaceXの打ち上げ失敗で破壊されたと聞…