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Nvidiaがコマツと提携 ― AIで建設工事を安全に

Nvidia partners with Japan’s Komatsu to make construction safer with AI Above: Nvidia teams up with Komatsu to improve construction with AI. Image Credit: Nvidia アメリカの壁 (文春文庫)posted with amazlet at 17.12.13小松 左京 文藝春秋 (201…


Elon Musk says Tesla is working on custom AI chips Musk reportedly said he thinks the company’s AI hardware ‘will be the best in the world’ 同社のAIハードウェアは「世界最高のものになる」と、彼は考えているとのこと。 Photo: Tesla MUP19-NVY_S…


先週、私たちはTechCrunch上海に行ってきました。このイベントは2013年以来、中国のテック産業と好奇心旺盛な消費者に対して常にホットスポットであり、今年再び開催されました。巨大な多階層の会場に数多くの猥雑な活動を詰め込んでね。 中国人とグロー…


調査会社 Gartner のデータによれば、2017年の第三四半期、東南アジアリージョンで、Huawei、Oppo、そして Xiaomi が、Samsung と Apple に続いてトップ5に入った。 Xiaomiのスマートフォンの出荷は80%近く成長しており、中国内での市場のシェアは昨年の4%…


Driverless shuttle in Las Vegas gets in fender bender within an hour Amazon Echo (Newモデル)、チャコール (ファブリック)posted with amazlet at 17.11.09Amazon (2017-11-15)売り上げランキング: 5Amazon.co.jpで詳細を見る A driverless shuttle set…


Elon Musk said Tesla fired 700 people because they didn’t meet the company’s high standards Tesla CEO Elon Musk Mark Brake / Getty Elon Musk disclosed in today’s quarterly earnings call that Tesla fired 700 people last month, or 2 percent …

「スティーブ・ジョブズ 無謀な男が真のリーダーになるまで」が3ドル!iTunes、Kindle、Google Playで

Add ‘Becoming Steve Jobs’ to your iTunes, Kindle or Google Play library for $3 Amazon offers Becoming Steve Jobs as a Kindle eBook for $2.99. Also available via iTunes and the Google Play Store. For comparison, it sells for $22 as a hard c…





NASA and Russia agree to work together on Moon space station At this year’s International Astronautical Congress, NASA and Russia’s space agency, Roscosmos, signed a joint statement expressing their intent to work collaboratively toward th…

イーロン・マスクのNG集 - SpaceXの軌跡

Here’s Elon Musk’s SpaceX blooper reel youtu.be “Technically it did land… but not in one piece.” Elon Musk has posted a long-awaited blooper reel of SpaceX’s failed orbital rocket booster which features plenty of explosions and fire. The t…


オフィス共有のスタートアップ WeWork が木曜日、ソフトバンクグループとソフトバンク・ビジョン・ファンドから、44億ドル(約4800億円)の資金を調達したことを発表しました。


Demand for Exotic Kit Kats Is So High Nestle’s Building a New Plant Nestle to build first Japan plant in 26 years to meet demand Tourists’ spending on sweet snacks surged to $1.2 billion Wasabi, green tea and sake aren’t just foods in Japa…

FoursquareはSnapchatやApple Mapsに組み入れたテクノロジーでAmazon Alexaとの提携を静かに見据える

Foursquare Eyes Amazon Alexa Partnership As Its Tech Is Quietly Built Into Snapchat and Apple Maps Foursquare’s headquarters may be in New York, but its location intelligence technology is quietly being built into apps from the biggest pla…

日本のゲームコンピュータ シャープMZシリーズ

Gaming computers of Japan: The Sharp MZ series 30年以上前のコンピューターの話題でして、ニュースでもなんでもないですが(笑) Sharp's MZ series was among the very first personal computers released in Japan. Launching in 1978, Sharp largely p…


Chicken Sandwich Takes One Giant Leap for Food-Kind A KFC chicken sandwich launched on a mision to the stratosphere aboard a World View Stratollite balloon at 9:11 a.m. EDT (1311 GMT) on June 29. Credit: KFC In what appears to be a histori…


Stephen Hawking: Humans Should Ride a Beam of Light to Other Planets Stephen Hawking has a long list of warnings about threats to humanity. Credit: Flickr/NASA HQ PHOTO. Humanity should focus its efforts on exploring other worlds that we m…


(米国の)Amazonは、衣料品の購入前に試着できる新しいプログラム「プライム・ワードローブ」を開始しました。 100万着以上の衣料品の選択肢から、少なくとも3つのプライム・ワードローブに対応した商品を選ぶと、Amazonは返却用ラベルと一緒に再梱包可能…


Toyota flying car? Automaker pursues ‘aerial solutions,’ backs start-up Tsubasa Nakamura, project leader of Toyota-backed start-up Cartivator, third from left, watches the flight of the test model of the company’s flying car on a former sc…


Japan reportedly to allow drone deliveries in 2020, self-driving trucks in 2022 Image Credit: gualtiero boffi/Shutterstock (Reuters) – Japan aims to finalize on June 9 plans to allow package delivery by drone sometime from 2020 and the com…


最新の研究によれば、約45億年前、地球はおそらく短い間、 巨大で熱く、ドーナツ状に気化した岩の物質「シネスティア構造」になっていた。


Toyota pushes into blockchain tech to enable the next generation of cars マンガでわかる 日本人なら知っておきたい トヨタ自動車の歴史 (じっぴコンパクト新書)posted with amazlet at 17.05.22高橋 功一郎 実業之日本社 売り上げランキング: 23,979Ama…


Molecule-Size ‘Nanocars’ Gear Up for Microscopic Racing Event Credit: Alexander Softog/Shutterstock In the late 1800s, France hosted the world’s first competitive motor race, and now, the country will set the stage for the next revolution …


SpaceX makes aerospace history with successful launch and landing of a used rocket After more than two years of landing its rockets after launch, SpaceX finally sent one of its used Falcon 9s back into space. The rocket took off from Cape …

SpaceXが使用済みFalcon 9ロケットの再打ち上げで歴史を作ろうとしています

SpaceX is about to make history by relaunching a used Falcon 9 rocket And the vehicle’s going to attempt another landing, too そして、そのロケットは別の着陸も試みようとしています。 The Falcon 9 first stage that is relaunching this week. Ph…



トヨタの新たな自動運転車はこんな感じ ― 10億ドルの人工知能研究センターで開発

Toyota’s billion-dollar AI research center has a new self-driving car And it looks like this The Toyota Research Institute (TRI) showed its first self-driving car this week, a Lexus LS 600hL test vehicle equipped with LIDAR, radar, and cam…


SPACEX TO SEND PRIVATELY CREWED DRAGON SPACECRAFT BEYOND THE MOON NEXT YEAR photo credit: NASAKennedy Unveiling ceremony of SpaceX Dragon V2 via photopin (license) 月 (SKYSCAPE PHOTOBOOK)posted with amazlet at 17.02.28榎本 司 誠文堂新光社 …


NASA found 7 “Earthlike” planets just under 40 light years away NASA has discovered seven planets with Earth-like qualities orbiting a nearby star making them among the strongest candidates in the continued search for extraterrestrial life…


SpaceX Launches Supply Rocket From Historic Apollo Pad A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket blasts off from the Kennedy Space Center on Feb. 19. Source: SpaceX Elon Musk’s Space Exploration Technologies Corp. successfully launched its second rocket in…


CRISPR-Cas9 inventor Jennifer Doudna’s plans on moving forward, genetically modifying humans The decision of who owned the rights to a hotly disputed CRISPR gene editing patent came down in favor of the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard t…