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インポッシブル・フーズのCEO「食肉産業は15年で時代遅れになるだろう」― 「それは我々の使命だ」

Impossible Foods CEO says the meat industry will be obsolete in 15 years — ‘That’s our mission’



  • “From a nutritional standpoint our products match the protein quality and content of the animal products that they replace” and “ours is a clear winner from a health and nutrition standpoint,” Impossible Foods CEO Patrick Brown told CNBC.
  • “This is why I think people are increasingly aware plant-based products are going to completely replace the animal-based products in the food world within the next 15 years,” he said in a “Mad Money” interview.
  • “That’s our mission. That transformation is inevitable,” he said.
  • 「栄養学的な観点で、我々の製品はタンパク質の品質として、私達が置き換える動物性の製品に一致しています。我々は健康と栄養学の観点からすると明らかな勝者なのです。」インポッシブル・フーズのパトリックブラウンがCNBCに語りました。
  • 「これが工場で生産される製品を好む人が多くなっていると私が考える理由です。食品の世界では次の15年で、これらの製品が動物に由来する製品を完全に置き換えようとしています。」彼は「Mad Money」のインタビューで言いました。
  • 「それは我々の使命だ。この変化は必然なのです。」彼は言いました。

  • nutritional - 栄養学的

  • inevitable - 必然

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Impossible Foods founder and CEO Patrick Brown told CNBC on Tuesday that the meat industry is in the midst of a reckoning.


  • reckoning - 精算
  • midst - 最中、さなか

As more consumers seek out healthier food options, Brown is convinced that the animal-based market will be obsolete within the next two decades.


“From a nutritional standpoint our products match the protein quality and content of the animal products that they replace” and “ours is a clear winner from a health and nutrition standpoint,” he said in a “Mad Money” interview.

「栄養学的な観点で、我々の製品はタンパク質の品質として、私達が置き換える動物性の製品に一致しています。我々は健康と栄養学の観点からすると明らかな勝者なのです。」彼は「Mad Money」のインタビューで語りました。

“This is why I think people are increasingly aware plant-based products are going to completely replace the animal-based products in the food world within the next 15 years. That’s our mission. That transformation is inevitable,” the told host Jim Cramer.

  • 「これが工場で生産される製品を好む人が多くなっていると私が考える理由です。食品の世界では次の15年で、これらの製品が動物に由来する製品を完全に置き換えようとしています。それは我々の使命だ。この変化は必然なのです。」彼は司会者のジム・クレイマーに語りました。

Impossible Foods earlier that day announced that it inked a partnership with Starbucks to carry the Impossible Breakfast Sandwich at most of the international coffee chain’s U.S. locations as the craze for plant-based diets continues to grow. The deal is a key victory for the privately owned alternative meat company and Brown.



Starbucks was one of our — if not the top — targeted outlet, just because of the power of their brand and their ubiquity,” he said. “It’s just a great opportunity for exposure and trial.”

The Impossible Breakfast Sandwich — a plant-based sausage topped with a cage-free fried egg and aged cheddar cheese on artisanal ciabatta bread — is an attempt by Starbucks to offer more sustainable food options and Impossible Foods to reach a younger audience. Brown said he found that about one-third of the U.S. population ages 18-29 visit a Starbucks restaurant at least once a month and the deal will help the company tap into the young adult demographic.

Starbucks had more than 15,200 domestic stores as of the end of March, according to Factset.

“It’s huge for us. It’s by far — in terms of the number of outlets — by far the biggest launch we’ve had and, of course, the opportunity to partner with an iconic global brand like Starbucks is probably equally important in just raising awareness and interest and trial in consumers,” he said.

Impossible Foods ranks No. 49 on CNBC’s 2020 Disruptor 50 list. The food producer makes meat, dairy and fish products with patented plant-based ingredients, which it has marketed primarily in the food-service industry. Beyond Meat, Impossible’s most recognizable competitor, has placed its focus on the consumer and grocery sector.

