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Twitter Acquires Machine Learning Startup Whetlab 人工知能 人類最悪にして最後の発明posted with amazlet at 15.06.17ジェイムズ・バラット ダイヤモンド社 売り上げランキング: 6,345Amazon.co.jpで詳細を見る Twitter announced today that it has acq…


Twitter Advertisers Can Now Target You Based on the Other Apps on Your Phone 広告ビジネス次の10年posted with amazlet at 15.06.11横山 隆治 榮枝 洋文 翔泳社 売り上げランキング: 58,422Amazon.co.jpで詳細を見る For the past six months, Twitter …


Microsoft is reportedly buying another great app: Wunderlist 2015年版! しないことリストposted with amazlet at 15.06.01ゴマブックス株式会社 (2014-09-12)売り上げランキング: 6,687Amazon.co.jpで詳細を見る Microsoft keeps buying some of th…

アップルがドイツの拡張現実ソフトウェアメーカーの Metaio を買収

Apple Buys German Augmented-Reality Software Maker Metaio Apple has acquired Metaio, a German company whose technology melds real-world imagery and computer-generated elements into moving video presentations, according to a corporate filin…

OculusによるSurreal Visionの買収は、仮想現実へ現実世界をもたらす

Oculus Acquires Surreal Vision To Bring The Real World To VR Oculus VR announced the acquisition of Surreal Vision today, bringing the company’s expertise on recreating real-time 3D representations of the outside world into virtualized env…


Bitcoin Might Be The Next Big Thing In The Remittance Market Editor’s note: Florian Graillot is a VC investor at AXA Strategic Ventures. The Remittance Market - レミッタンス市場。外国送金市場 New スーパーマリオブラザーズU ザクザクGET! コイ…


Apple bought a company focused on super-accurate GPS スーパーレジかご用エコバッグ (折りたたみ式) ネイビー 3489-01posted with amazlet at 15.05.17yubisha 売り上げランキング: 32,761Amazon.co.jpで詳細を見る Apple has snapped up more than a few…


Someone Has A Domain For Carly Fiorina’s Name And Is Pretty Upset With Her Layoffs While At HP Former HP CEO Carly Fiornia announced earlier today that she would be running for president — but it appears someone else has already picked up …


HP drops out of the public cloud storm Summary:HP has invested billions in its cloud offerings. Now, out of the blue sky, HP is leaving the public cloud business behind. Almost five years ago, HP announced it was going to offer cloud servi…