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Here's one big reason Google needs to worry about Facebook

GoogleがFacebookについて心配すべきひとつの大きな理由がある Despite the massive library of content on Google's YouTube service, Facebook was able to claim more videos with more than 1 million views in the last 30 days, according to data fro…

New rumor claims Apple will launch three iPhone models this year, including 4-inch iPhone 6C

アップルが今年、4インチのiPhone6Cを含む3モデルを発表するだろうという新しい噂が出ている A sketchy new rumor from the sometimes-unreliable Digitimes claims that Apple will be releasing three new iPhone models this year. While many Apple watc…

Riding in Mercedes' luxurious, self-driving car of the future

メルセデスの未来の豪華自律走行車に乗る A four-wheeled vision of gleaming silver glides toward me, shining brightly under the warm California sun. キラリと銀色に光る四つのホイールが滑るように近づく。 暖かいカリフォルニアの太陽の下で、そのホ…