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Jeff Bezos’s Rocket Company to Begin Suborbital Test Flights This Year A space company owned by Amazon founder Jeff Bezos has finished work on a rocket engine for a suborbital spaceship and expects to begin flight tests this year, Blue Ori…


日本では⇒コチラから! You can (legally) download the 'Star Wars' movies starting Friday While the world waits for the next entries in the Star Wars saga (Episode VII on December 18th, followed by the Rogue One spinoff next year and Episode…


The Solarbike is a very real thing Here's an electric bike that doesn't need plugging in.. or swapping out batteries. これは、プラグを差し込まなくてもよい、または、バッテリーを変えなくてもよい電動アシスト自転車です。 As the name suggests, …


ビルゲイツさんの40周年メールが話題になっているところで、厳しい現実を突き付けられた人が数百人かあ・・・ Microsoft cuts 'hundreds' in last wave of planned 18,000 layoffs Summary: Microsoft has laid off 'hundreds' of its employees, many of wh…


This Is Big: A Robo-Car Just Drove Across the Country AN AUTONOMOUS CAR just drove across the country. Nine days after leaving San Francisco, a blue car packed with tech from a company you’ve probably never heard of rolled into New York Ci…


40年か。当時、自分は6歳ですわ(笑) Here’s the Email Bill Gates Sent Commemorating Microsoft’s Fortieth Birthday Before their was an Office, or Windows, Bill Gates had a vision for how software might someday change the world. It’s hard to …

マイクロソフトはもう「Kinect for Windows」を販売しない

Microsoft isn't selling Kinect for Windows anymore Given that Microsoft has consolidated so many other parts of how it operates lately, word that it's discontinuing the new Kinect sensor for Windows shouldn't be much of a surprise. From he…


Pack your Raspberry Pi into an underpowered laptop for $100 The Raspberry Pi has already found its way into a number of unusual applications from DIY cell phones to Gif-capturing cameras. Now, a recently launched IndieGoGo campaign aims to…


The Discrimination Double Standard This week in Silicon Valley, it’s trendy to speak out against discrimination. But last week, many of the same people weren’t quite so forthcoming. Led by Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff and Apple CEO Tim Cook…

The geek shall inherit the earth: The age of developer-defined infrastructure

ギークは地球を継承しなくてはならない:開発者により定義されるインフラの時代、 If “software is eating the world,” then the meal will be prepared by developers. 「ソフトウェアが世界を食べる」なら、食事は開発者が用意するだろう。 Over the past …