「ヴァルキリー」 NASAが火星へ送り込むヒューマノイドロボットを披露
NASA shows off their humanoid robot that they want to send to Mars
完全二足歩行 近未来型ロボ ロボアクター 本体・プロポ リモコン roboactor
posted with amazlet at 15.12.12
売り上げランキング: 74,190
売り上げランキング: 74,190
NASA released new footage of the humanoid robot they want to send to Mars.
The robot, named Valkyrie, is being tested for its ability to handle the red planet's rocky terrain and hope it can also assist future astronauts with lifting heavy objects.
火星の人〔新版〕(上) (ハヤカワ文庫SF)
posted with amazlet at 15.12.12