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SpaceX Tests Parachutes That Will Bring Astronauts Back To Earth


Today, NASA released footage from one of SpaceX’s final certification tests required under the Commercial Crew Program. The drop test, performed in Coolidge, Arizona, involved the four large parachutes that are part of SpaceX’s Crew Dragon landing system.

本日(現地時間 2016-01-27)、NASASpaceXの商業的有人プログラムに於いて必要な最終認定試験のひとつから映像を公開した。 この落下試験は、アリゾナ州クーリッジで実施され、SpaceXの Crew Dragon 着陸システムの一部である、4つの大きなパラシュートに関連するものでした。


For the drop test, the parachute assembly was carried thousands of feet above the ground on board a C-130 cargo aircraft. A weight was used in place of SpaceX’s Crew Dragon spacecraft, and the parachutes were rigged to deploy as they would when Crew Dragon returns astronauts from the International Space Station.

この落下試験のために、パラシュートの組み立て品は、C130貨物航空機に乗せられて、地上から数千フィートまで運ばれました。 SpaceXの Crew Dragon 宇宙船の代わりに重しがしようされ、パラシュートは、Crew Dragonが宇宙飛行士を国際宇宙ステーションから戻すときのように、展開させられました。

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In the video, a NASA representative states that “tests like this allow engineers to assess the reliability of flight-like hardware.”


This particular drop test did not include Crew Dragon’s drogue parachutes, which SpaceX will ultimately use in its full landing system design. Drogue chutes will be deployed before the 4 main chutes in order to slow and stabilize the capsule as it descends.

この特定の落下試験は、Crew Dragonの減速用パラシュートを含んでいませんでした。 SpaceXは最終的にその完全な着陸システム設計で使用するでしょう。 減速用パラシュートは、降下するカプセルの速度を落とし安定させるために、4つのメインパラシュートの前に展開されるでしょう。

An earlier parachute drop test was performed in December of 2013, before the necessary human-rated modifications were made to create Crew Dragon. In the 2013 drop test, a helicopter carried the Dragon capsule and its parachute system to an altitude of 8,000 feet above Morro Bay, California and dropped it into the Pacific Ocean. At the time, the parachute system included 2 drogue parachutes and 3 main parachutes.

初期のパラシュート落下試験は2013年12月に行われ、これは、Crew Dragonをつくるための、重要な有人用の変更が行われる前でした。 この2013年の落下試験では、ヘリコプターがDragonカプセルと、そのパラシュートシステムを、カリフォルニアのモロベイの上空8000フィートの高度まで運び、大西洋へ落としました。 その時、パラシュートシステムは、減速用パラシュート2つとメインパラシュート3つを含んでいました。



Over 2 years later, SpaceX has modified the original Dragon design to create the human-rated Crew Dragon version, which will use drogue parachutes and 4 main parachutes.

Initially, SpaceX will use Crew Dragon and its parachute system to splash down the crew safely in the ocean, similar to the landing strategy used during the Apollo era.

Eventually, however, SpaceX plans to bring astronauts back to land with a propulsive strategy.

Back in November, SpaceX completed a hover test with Crew Dragon and its SuperDraco engines. The company has noted that a propulsive landing strategy is an important capability if you ever want to land humans on a planet without an ocean, like Mars. With Elon Musk at the SpaceX helm, a man who has often said his end goal is to get to Mars, this landing strategy is unsurprising.


In a blog post today, NASA stated that “later tests will grow progressively more realistic to simulate as much of the actual conditions and processes the system will see during an operational mission.”

SpaceX and Boeing, the other Commercial Crew Program contract winner, are working to perfect their human-rated spacecraft and relieve the U.S. reliance on Russia for rides to the International Space Station.

Assuming no anomalies in future tests, NASA hopes to have a reliable ride to the space station from a U.S. company by the end of 2017.

