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PlayStation can be the clear leader in virtual reality if it does one thing right

PlayStation VR is one of three major virtual reality headsets to launch this year.

Amazon新生活ストア春のセール 開催中!暮らしを楽しむきっかけに!

三番目の月 1巻 (ガムコミックスプラス)
ワニブックス (2014-09-25)
売り上げランキング: 87,417

Virtual reality is almost here.

The three biggest VR headsets are getting ready to launch. Facebook-owned Oculus VR will release its Rift headset at the end of March, and HTC/Valve will release their superb Vive headset in April.

But it’s the third VR platform, Sony’s PlayStation VR, that has the chance to make the biggest impact right away. However, that all depends on one single aspect: its price.



フェイスブックが所有するOculus VRが3月の終わりにRiftヘッドセットをリリース、HTC/Valveは彼らの華やかなViveヘッドセットは4月です。

ところで、まさしく大きな衝撃を与える機会があるのは、3番目のVRプラットフォーム ソニー PlayStation VR です。 しかしながら、全ては、ひとつのことに依存します:それは、その価格です。

  • superb - 素晴らしい、見事な、華やかな
  • aspect - 様相、局面、

The Oculus Rift headset costs $600, but it also requires a powerful gaming PC to run. An Oculus-ready PC, if you don't have one already, costs around $1,000.

HTC/Valve on Sunday announced the Vive headset will cost $800. That system also requires a high-end gaming PC to work, which would also cost around $1,000.

So, between the Oculus Rift and the HTC Vive, you’ll need to spend anywhere between $1,000 and $2,000 just to get your VR setup in order.

Oculus Riftは600ドルだが、動作させるにはパワフルなゲーミングPCを必要とし、もし持っていないなら、1000ドルぐらいは必要だ。


そう、Oculus Rift と Vive で望みどおりのVRを手に入れるためには、どうしても1000ドルから2000ドル必要なのだ。

How PlayStation VR can win

どうすれば PlayStationは勝てるだろう

Sony’s PlayStation VR has several major advantages over the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive: It doesn’t require a PC to work, it only requires a PlayStation 4.

ソニーPlayStation VR には、Oculus Rift と HTC Viveを超える、複数の主要な利点がある。それは、動かすためにPCを必要としないという事だ。PlayStation 4があればよいのだ。

Millions of people already own a PlayStation 4 — as of January, Sony has sold over 36 million PS4 units in its first 25 months of availability. The PlayStation 4 also costs much less than a traditional gaming PC. The PS4 retails for $350, and you can usually find game bundles that make the price of the console even cheaper (around $300).

1月の時点で、既に数百万人がPlayStation 4を所有している。ソニーは発売から最初の25ヶ月で3600万台のPS4ユニットを販売した。 そして、PlayStation 4は従来のゲーミングPCよりかなり安価。350ドルで販売されていて、ゲームとバンドルされたものは通常さらに安く300ドル程度で手に入るのだ。

PlayStation is already an established platform for games and entertainment, so getting people into VR wouldn't be as difficult as telling them to buy a headset and a separate PC.


So here’s the big opportunity with PlayStation VR: If it's the cheapest VR solution you can buy (cheaper than the $600 Oculus Rift), Sony will be in a perfect position to dominate the VR market early on. It would be even sweeter if PlayStation VR costs less than a PlayStation 4, but we're not counting on the new technology being very cheap.

だから、PlayStation VRには大きな可能性がある。:もし、これが、あなたが購入可能な最も安価な(600ドルのOculus Riftよりも安い)VRソリューションなら、SonyはVRの市場を支配する完璧な位置にいるのだ。 もし、PlayStation VRが PlayStation 4よりも安価であるなら、さらに素敵だ。しかし、この新たなテクノロジーが、それほど安くなっているとは保証できないが。

Sony already has an established platform in PlayStation, so getting people into VR wouldn't be as difficult as telling them to buy a headset and a PC.

Considering the cost and the early nature of VR, most people will only buy one virtual reality platform — we don’t expect many people will buy Oculus Rift and HTC Vive and PlayStation VR. But at the right price, PlayStation VR could easily convince most of the 36+ million PlayStation 4 owners to buy in — and it could even convince non-owners to buy a PlayStation 4 and the VR system, since the total package would still be cheaper than going all in on a Rift or Vive. This would be a huge win for Sony.

There’s going to be a PlayStation VR event on March 15 in San Francisco, where we expect the company will finally announce the price and release date for PlayStation VR. As the third and final major VR headset to debut this year, PlayStation has a huge opportunity to price its headset below its rivals and win favor with customers.

3月15日のサンフランシスコのイベントで、価格と発売日を発表するでしょう。 3番目の主要なVRヘッドセットは、価格において巨大な可能性を持っています。

PlayStation VR was originally expected to launch in the first half of 2016, but GameStop’s CEO recently suggested PlayStation VR might not be ready until the fall.

PlayStation VRはもともと2016年の上半期に発売されると目されているが、GameStopのCEOは最近、PlayStation VRは秋まで準備できないかもしれないと言いました。

