Node.js Foundation と JS Foundation が合流の意向
The Node.js and JS foundations want to merge
There are currently two main open-source foundations that focus on JavaScript: the JS Foundation, which was founded in 2016, and the Node.js Foundation, which launched in 2015. The JS Foundation’s mission is to shepherd the ecosystem around the language, while Node.js obviously focuses on the Node.js technology for using JavaScript server-side with the help of Google’s V8 engine and growing that ecosystem. Now, these two foundations want to merge.
現在2つの主なオープンソースの財団が存在します。 JavaScriptにフォーカスしている2016年に設立された JS Foundationと、2015年設立の Node.js Foundation です。 JS Foundationのミッションはこのプログラミング言語のエコシステムを追求すること。 Node.jsが明らかにフォーカスしているのは、GoogleのV8エンジンの支援によってJavaScriptをサーバーサイドで使用するための技術と、そのエコシステムの成長です。 現在、これら2つの財団は合流することを求めています。
- shepherd - 羊飼い、追いかける、追い回す。
This is not a done deal and the two organizations plan to get feedback from their respective communities, starting with an in-person Q&A at the upcoming Node+JS Interactive conference, as well as online.
- respective - それぞれの
- in-person - 対面で
- upcoming - 今後の
“Joining forces will not change the technical independence or autonomy for Node.js or any of the 28 JS Foundation projects such as Appium, ESLint, or jQuery,” the two organizations write in today’s announcement. “JavaScript is a versatile programming language that has expanded far beyond its role as a backbone of the web, entering new environments such as IoT, native apps, DevOps, and protocols. As the ecosystem continues to evolve — moving from browsers to servers, desktop applications to embedded devices — increased collaboration in the JavaScript ecosystem is more important than ever to sustain continued and healthy growth.”
「力を合わせることで、Node.jsや、JS Foundationの Appium、ESLint、jQueryなど28のプロジェクトのどれに対しても、技術的な独立性や自律性を変えることはありません。」 2組織は本日の発表で書いています。 「JavaScriptはそれ自身の役割をはるかに超えて拡大した多目的プログラミング言語です。 Webのバックボーンであり、IoTやネイティブアプリ、DevOpsやプロトコルなどの新たな環境へ入っています。 このエコシステムは革新を続けます ― ブラウザからサーバーへ、デスクトップアプリケーションから組込み機器へ ― これまでの継続的で健全な成長を持続するため、JavaScriptのエコシステムで増大するコラボレーションが、さらに重要です。」
- versatile - 多目的な
And indeed, that increased collaboration across the ecosystem is what seems to be at the core of this move. “The Foundation leaders and key technical stakeholders believe that a tighter alignment of communities will expand the scope of the current Foundations and enable greater support for Node.js and a broader range of JavaScript projects,” noted Mike Dolan, vice president of Strategic Programs at the Linux Foundation, in today’s announcement.
The ultimate goals of the merger are to “enhance operational excellence,” to increase collaboration and to increase the collaboration across JavaScript ecosystems and to create a single organization that can become the home for any JavaScript project.
If this merger happens, then it’ll surely help both groups that already sit underneath the umbrella of the Linux Foundation, which should make the transition relatively easy, assuming the community agrees. There is also some overlap between the two groups’ members, though probably less than you’d expect. While IBM is a platinum member of both, for example, Google is a platinum member of the Node.JS foundation but doesn’t sponsor the JS Foundation. Similarly, Samsung is a top-level sponsor of the JS Foundation but is nowhere to be found on the Node.JS Foundations’ site. It’s probably no surprise then, that one of the stated goals of the merger is also “streamlined member engagement.”