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Google’s DeepMind AI group unveils health care ambitions


Google’s DeepMind artificial intelligence (AI) group today unveiled a new industry-specific program called DeepMind Health. A new website for the division reveals that Google has been working with multiple health care organizations, including National Health Service and the Royal Free Hospital London in the United Kingdom.

グーグルのDeepMind人工知能(AI)グループが、本日 DeepMind Health という業界向けの新たなプログラムを披露しました。 この部門の新しいウェブサイトで、グーグルは今まで、ナショナル・ヘルス・サービスや英国のロイヤル・フリー・ホスピタル・ロンドンなどを含む、複数のヘルスケア組織と取り組んできたことを明らかにしています。

In collaboration with the latter group, Google DeepMind built a mobile app called Streams that doctors and nurses can use to diagnose acute kidney injury. The group is also working with a clinical task-management app called Hark that was developed by two people affiliated with Imperial College London.

後者のグループとの協力に於いて、グーグルDeepMindは、ドクターとナースが急性腎臓障害の診断に使えるStreamsというモバイルアプリを開発しました。 このグループは、インペリアル・カレッジ・ロンドンと提携した2名によって開発された Harkという臨床タスク管理アプリでも共に取り組んでいます。

  • latter - 後者
  • acute - 急性
  • kidney - 腎臓
  • clinical - 臨床
  • affiliated - 提携した
  • Imperial College London - インペリアル・カレッジ・ロンドン

“Frontline nurses, doctors and other health care professionals who spend their days treating patients know better than anyone what’s needed to provide outstanding care. We at DeepMind Health aim to support clinicians by providing the technical expertise needed to build and scale technologies that help them provide the best possible care to their patients,” Google DeepMind says on the new website.

「日々病人を扱っている最前線のナースやドクター、さらに他の医療関係の専門家達は、素晴らしいケアを提供するために何が必要かということを誰よりも知っています。 DeepMind Health で私たちは、技術的専門知識を提供することで臨床医を支援することを目指しています。それは技術を構築しスケールする必要のある専門知識。その技術によって、彼らは患者へ、より良い可能なケアを提供できるようになります。」

  • clinicians - 臨床医
  • expertise - 専門知識


The launch of the new program is interesting because it shows the accomplished DeepMind group — which recently pulled off the surprising feat of having an AI program beat a champion player of the ancient Chinese board game Go — going beyond just general-purpose software development and actually thinking up uses for it that could benefit society at large rather than just improve internal Google systems.

Google DeepMind leader Demis Hassabis has previously told reporters that DeepMind was interested in exploring industry-specific applications like health care, but that’s happening fairly soon after he declared that.

Data will only be used to improve health care, Google says. And Google isn’t going to just run DeepMind Health without some oversight. The initiative has a board of independent reviewers, including Richard Horton, the editor-in-chief of the venerable journal The Lancet.

“We want to see the NHS thrive and we believe that by listening to and being led by clinicians themselves, we can deliver groundbreaking technology,” Google says. “Our hope is that through a focus on patient outcomes, effective oversight, and the highest ethical principles, we can achieve great results for the NHS and everyone who depends on it.”

Interestingly, AI is not actually working behind the scenes in the Streams app as it stands today — it’s not available publicly, as Google intends to do peer-reviewed research on it. But the lack of AI in the program, as you’d expect, might not be the case forever.

“It’s too early to determine where AI could be applied here, but it’s certainly something we are excited about for the future,” Google says.

