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ジェフ・ベゾスがステージ上から指摘した ― アップル、グーグル、アマゾンが音声アシスタントで戦争状態になるだろう

Jeff Bezos's onstage hint about the coming Apple, Google and Amazon product war

The voice-assistant craze is right around the corner.


  • is right around the corner - すぐそこにある。「そこの角を曲がってすぐ」みたいなニュアンスのようですね。


Onstage at the Code Conference this week, Amazon boss Jeff Bezos stressed that Amazon was committing to "intelligent" voice assistant devices in a big way.


Bezos said that the company has more than 1,000 people working on the "Alexa and Echo ecosystem," and that what we've seen so far is "just the tip of the iceberg."


Google introduced its own Amazon Echo competitor, Google Home, at I/O last month, in addition to its own voice-powered software ecosystem. And in a week and a half, Apple is reportedly going to announce that it's opening up Siri to outside developers (the company is also said to be working on its own Echo-like device).

グーグルは、独自のアマゾンEchoの競合となるGoogle Homeを音声ソフトウェアのエコシステムに加えると、先月の I/O で紹介しました。 そして、10日以内にアップルがSiriを外部の開発者に公開するという発表をすると報じられています(同社はEchoのような独自の機器に取り組んでいるとも言いました)。

More than 1,000 people are working on Alexa and Echo | Jeff Bezos, CEO Amazon | Code Conference 2016

By flicking at the broader "ecosystem" of apps and services that Amazon wants to support through its Echo, Bezos is making explicit what the next stage of the competition for Echo will look like. The race is on for these companies to not only build functional devices, but to add the cross-device apps and services that will differentiate them to customers.

アマゾンが、そのEchoを通じてサポートしたいアプリとサービスの「エコシステム」を、幅広くフリックすることで、 Echoのための競争の次のステージが、次のようになるだろうと、ベゾスが明確にしています。 その競争は、これらの企業間でなされ、それは機能的な機器を作るだけではなく、機器をまたいだアプリやサービスを加え、それらを顧客へ分化することになる。

  • explicit - 明確に
  • differentiate - 区別する

Or, as Jan Dawson put it in a column in Recode last month:


Though Home will perhaps be its best example, what makes the assistant powerful is precisely that it doesn’t live in any single device but exists in the cloud and becomes available to users through a variety of devices. It is perhaps the biggest consumer product fight among the biggest American tech companies since the tablet wars of a few years ago, which makes it extra interesting.

Homeは最良の例になるかもしれないのであるが、アシスタントをパワフルにするということは、まさに、それが単一の機器の中にだけあるのではなく、クラウドに存在して、様々な機器を通じてユーザーが利用可能になるということです。 それはもしかすると、巨大な消費者向け製品の巨大なアメリカのテクノロジー企業の間での戦いかもしれない。数年前のタブレットの戦い以来のものであるので、さらに興味深くなっています。

  • precisely - 正確に

Amazon doesn't release sales figures about the Echo, so we don't know how dramatic a consumer hit the device really is. But the buzz was loud enough to prompt layoffs at the high-end music speaker maker Sonos, and both Google and Apple are now investing major resources in pushing out devices of their own.

アマゾンはEchoの販売数を発表しません。ですから、私たちは消費者がその機器を実際にどれほどドラマチックに捉えたのか分かりません。 しかし、ハイエンドスピーカーメーカーのSonosで雇止めがを示すことの、ざわめきは十分に大きく、グーグルとアップル両方は、彼ら独自の機器を推し進めることにおいて、主要なリソースに投資しています。

Of course, it'll be some time before the battle starts in earnest. Google Home doesn't get released until sometime later this year, and CEO Sundar Pichai says that he doesn't even have one in his home yet. Plus, Apple hasn't even made the announcement about opening up Siri yet or revealed that it's working on a speaker.


  • earnest - 本格的な

Until then, you can just play this Vine over and over again:



